Facial Acupuncture
Feel and look amazing
with facial acupuncture
Sue offers another wonderful facet of Traditional Acupuncture, the Acupuncture Facial. This gives you the ‘feel good factor’ plus, you can feel and look good. It does more than reduce wrinkles as it works on your inner well-being as well as the outer appearance.
What can facial acupuncture do for you?
Reduces and softens fine lines and wrinkles
Tightens the pores and facial skin
Tightens the skin under the eyes and chin
Brightens the eyes by resolving dark circles or puffiness
Brightens the face by improving facial circulation and colour
Clears toxins to prevent acne eruptions
Releases stress and muscular tension in the face
Restores the vitality of the Real You!
Sue Kalicinska B.Ac., M.B.Ac.C., L.C.S.P.(Assoc.), B.Sc., M.Sc., D.I.C.
Tel Direct: 07768 322795
Email: info@suekalicinska.co.uk