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Chants of Light

Journey into your Heart with Chants of Light

On our Chants of Light evenings, we sing Sacred Songs from various languages and cultures from all over the world, in a format inspired by Gregg Braden's book 'The Wisdom Codes'.

As we are on zoom you are muted so you can enjoy Sam's beautiful voice.  A Chant is a song, melody or mantra repeated over and over again to create a feeling of peace, wellbeing and to shift energies. The power and intention put into a chant can change its dynamic completely: from soft and gentle like a lullaby to bring calm and settle into a like dream state, or strong and powerful to raise the energies for release, healing and clearing spaces etc. Chanting can help regulate your breathing, release endorphins and settle your nervous system, helping to calm any stress or anxiety.

When people gather together and raise their voices in chant, they share a language so much stronger than just words. Chanting has the power to release negativity, lift our spirits and invite positive change for our wellbeing.

The Chants of Light evening is a more meditative experience than our in person Drum & Chant, we begin with an upbeat short song or chant then we guide a more meditative experience with the chants.  It is on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm and is only £8.  Please see eventbrite to book in, further details at or email or join our mailing list or check out @shantisisters on social media.

Drum & Chant Evenings

Our in-person evening includes various chants, singing & drumming and are held at Compton Village Hall with occasional Retreat workshop events at Quinnettes in Churt - see The Immersion Experience and outside when the weather permits.

 The in-person Drum & Chant evening is near the last Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm and is £15.  Please book in on eventbrite or see our website further details.  Alternatively more details are on our newsletter ⬇

If you would like to be kept up to date with our events please sign up to our monthly newsletter at

What people say about our evenings:

"So Zen!"

"Such a Blessing!"

"I felt like I drifted away!"

"Amazing, thankyou"

"What an amazing tool. I really needed that at the moment".

Sam Foreman's parents were healers.  Her mother sang chants to her as a child and Sam sang them to her own children.  Sam has held meditation & healing groups for over 15 years, is a Spiritual Artist, Reiki Master healer & therapist of many modalities, Celebrant, Guest Choir Leader, Drummer, Singer & Priestess of the Goddess.

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Maxine Crinall has been a Natural Health Practitioner for 22 years.  She is qualified in many complementary therapies including The Bowen Technique, Spiritual Healing and is a Reiki Master.  She has written and taught various courses and workshops. She has held meditation groups for over Sixteen years.  She is the founder and owner of Seale Natural Health therapy centre, nr Farnham, a writer & researcher who is currently writing her own system, Drummer & Singer.

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